Board of Directors |
Cindy has been involved with Koinonia of Erie County for over 13 years and had the privilege to be mom on FS49. She has been on every FootSteps weekend ever since. Both of her daughters are FootSteps Alumni. Cindy has held many positions but is currently the Co-Kitchen Coordinator with her husband Art.
Dawnne's first experience with Footsteps was when her daughter went through on FS 42. Dawnne is active in Koinonia & Kairos prison ministries when she is not teaching juvenile offenders at Perseus House, serving at Elevate church, or teaching teens about the importance of prayer as the prayer team co- coordinator here at Footsteps. She also has a 9 year old who is looking forward to Footsteps 99.
Like most, Holly found the atmosphere of Footsteps contagious. She first sponsored her niece Jenna on FS weekend 28 (FS 28) followed by her son Michael on FS 30. After she and her husband filled the spot of "Mom and Dad" on FS 35, she was hooked. Over the years, Holly has added to the ministry by holding various positions on the board from managing newsletters, reunions and prayer team to being the Lay Leader. Currently Holly serves as board secretary while sharing the message of Jesus’ love with the youth throughout the community.
As a former FootStepper herself, this ministry holds a special place in Kristen's heart. Her calling to serve God as as a local church pastor connects deeply to the roots she established as a FootSteps teen years ago. As spiritual director, Kristen is eager to connect with teens each weekend, and continues to foster their spiritual faith walks.
Jim Mang
Supplies Coordinator Jim first became aware of Footsteps when his daughter was involved. At first, he was kind of skeptical about it. He and his wife Linda were asked to be Mom & Dad on FS 27 and were blown away with what they experienced that weekend. He has been involved since then, serving in many positions including Lay Leader. Currently he is the Supplies Coordinator. Jim feels our futures depend on our kids and he can think of nothing better to ensure that future than faith in Christ. Footsteps gives kids a chance to start or strengthen their relationship with Christ in a relaxed, peaceful atmosphere and meet others like themselves. Jim says, "Our daughter and 2 sons still have friends they made during their involvement at FS as do Linda and I."
![]() Art Anderson Kitchen Coordinator [email protected] Art has been involved with Koinonia of Erie County for over 13 years and had the privilege to be dad on FS49. He has been on every FootSteps weekend ever since. Both of his daughters are FootSteps Alumni. Art has held many positions but is currently the Co-Kitchen Coordinator with his wife Cindy. Briana Alaniz
Assistant Lay Leader Briana has been involved with FootSteps since 2005. She immediately fell in love with the program and was involved throughout her high school career. As an adult leader, she continues to love being a part of this ministry. She especially enjoys seeing God work through the teens and other young adults that are involved.
Ruth Zeisloft has been with the FootSteps program ever since she and her husband Sam were Mom and Dad on FS #14. Having taught English at McDowell High School, she was pleased to have many FootSteppers in her classes and to sponsor several students who expressed an interest in this spiritual experience. Each FootSteps weekend is as much a spirit-filled time for her as it is for the candidates and team.
![]() A former FootStepper from FS 29 and Dad on FS 75, Jon wants to help the ministry that was so vital to his own faith. As Jon's disposition is inclined towards ordering chaos, helping the Head Gofers organize the weekend is a great way for Jon to give back. Jon has a wife, Christine (FS 38 candidate; FS 75 Mom) and a daughter, Lily.
Jake Tobolewski
Spiritual Director [email protected] Footsteps 21 had a profound impact on the trajectory of Jake's life. As a chemistry teacher at McDowell High School, youth director at Fairview Presbyterian church, and one of the spiritual directors at Footsteps, Jake has devoted his life to helping teens invest in themselves intellectually, academically, and spiritually. He brings his unique enthusiastic and passionate style to share God's love with the teenagers. Michelle Flaherty